`New Haven Beauty’ Folk Song Lyrics

A folk song/love song–written in the 1980s–about falling in love in New York City in 1975 with a beautiful person from New Haven, Connecticut.
New Haven Beauty
I think I love you
New Haven Beauty
Love is always true.
A beauty came from New Haven
Self-reliant,yet tender
Strong and independent
A comfort to be near
Ever since we met
I’ve felt romantic love
Strange how easy it is to feel
Passion for more than one. (chorus)
A beauty came from New Haven
To study in New York
And watch some films with friends
And thinks and works and talks
When she’s not around
I hope she’s finding joy
Strange how easy it is
To fall in love with all the tomboys. (chorus)
A beauty came from New Haven
And who knows where she’ll rest?
Who knows what her fate will be
And if she’ll escape the loneliness?
Will she keep her freedom
To live as she sees fit?
Or will the System break her will
And crush her rebel spirit? (chorus)

About protestfolk

Non-commercially-motivated working-class singer-songwriter, who mostly writes non-commercially-motivated topical protest folk songs in the Joe Hill-Guthrie-Ochs tradition. Also a Movement writer/blogger/activist who is not funded by elite foundation money.
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5 Responses to `New Haven Beauty’ Folk Song Lyrics

  1. Iryna Humenyuk says:

    Hi Bob! My name is Iryna, I’m a reporter at your alma mater, from the Columbia Journalism School at Columbia University. I’m currently enrolled in NPR reporter Sally Herships’ radio-reporting class and am producing what I think is a very important and exciting story–a piece on the history of protests and divestment at Columbia U.

    I think it would be impossible to conduct a piece like this without an interview from someone like you, who has played such a key role in the 1968 protests! It would be an honor to speak to you and learn from you. Do you have any time in the upcoming week to speak?

    This piece would air on the Columbia Journalism School’s local radio station. But I would also like to pitch it to a local station like WNYC or NPR.

    I look forward to hearing from you!

    Iryna Humenyuk

    Master of Science in Journalism Candidate ’24

    Columbia University in the City of New York

    +1 516 643 7001

    Українська | Français

    • protestfolk says:

      Glad to hear of your interest in history of protests and divestments at Columbia U. Received your call on my landline phone’s answering machine, but I wasn’t at home at that time. Don’t have any long-distance phone access these days. But I would have time rest of Saturday (today), all day Sunday (tomorrow) and parts of Tuesday thru Friday this coming week to speak with you, if you telephone again.–all the best, Bob a.f.

      • Iryna Humenyuk says:

        Hi, Bob! Thank-you so much for your message! I have drafted up a list of questions and tried my best to review the literature concerning the events of 1967 and 1968. Would you be comfortable scheduling a time to call with me, and dialing in via your phone with a Zoom number? It’s much easier to collect high-quality sound if we called in this fashion (I can explain how to do this in a second message, it should be very straightforward). Is there a time that works best with you?

        I am available for the rest of today myself. And Tuesday I am flexible until 6pm! Let me know if that works! And thanks again for being open to talking–I am looking forward!

      • protestfolk says:

        Hi Iryna, Glad to hear you reviewed some of 1967/1968 events literature and drafted some questions. Attempting to do interview now or later tonight (Sunday) if the audio technical issues can be worked out would work best for me. But, like I indicated, my only phone is a landline one that doesn’t give me access to calling numbers outside 617 area code (unless it’s an 800 number). Also the old computer I use might not produce that good an audio sound. So, if you have a phone that can record audio of an interview, then easiest/quickest way to at least get some kind of possibly useable audio, might still be for you to just telephone my landline phone number again direct, perhaps? Anyway, feel to try explaining to me in a second message about “dialing in via your phone with a Zoom number”; although I may not be into or familiar enough with Zoom to be able to provide an audio interview for your project in that way. all the best,Bob a.f.

  2. Iryna Humenyuk says:

    Hey Bob. I just touched base with my professor about our correspondences. If you have any ambition and funds and time to jump on a Greyhound and spend a day in New York City these next few days, I would like to invite you to Columbia University for a tour of the encampment and for an opportunity to conduct this interview in person. 🙂 Only if you like! Otherwise happy to talk to you tonight!

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